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The Enormous Costs of a Data Breach

Updated: Nov 5, 2020

It’s not surprising that cyber crimes are on the rise. Our world is becoming more and more digital, but unfortunately there are risks that come with this.

Data breaches take a huge financial toll on businesses. The global total cost of a data breach averaged $3.86 million in 2020.

Both small and large companies need protection from cyber risks such as:

  • Cyber attacks

  • Data breaches

  • Phishing scams

  • Malware

Not having a comprehensive cyber security strategy can wreak havoc on your business. Not only will you suffer from crippling financial consequences, you may lose the trust of your customers.

The real question is: Can you afford not to have a cyber security strategy in place?

Stay ahead of cyber criminals with Lydell Security Threat Services. Our world-class threat services protect the intellectual property of your company, clients, and stakeholders.

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